Male Body Contouring Jacksonville

Male body contouring procedures are perfect for those men who are tired of ineffective diets and long, tiring exercise routines that just don’t seem to be producing results. We can target numerous regions of the body for effective sculpting.

We provide a wide range of options for male body contouring. We offer the abdominoplasty, the mini tummy tuck, the suction-assisted lipectomy, the state-of-the-art VASER LipoSelection technique, and upper arm recontouring. These procedures are proven effective for trimming away excess skin, tightening underlying muscle tissue, and reducing the volume of areas by removing excess fat.

If you’re interested in these male body contouring options or the other procedures we provide, set up a consultation by contacting our office today. With the help of board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Vaishali Doolabh, you’ll be looking toned and sculpted in no time!