A facelift can be a transformative experience that makes you look years younger. But before you’re able to fully enjoy your new face, you’ll need to recover from the surgery. If you make sure to follow you plastic surgeon’s instructions, your facelift recovery period will go well and won’t take too long.

As part of your facelift recovery, your dressings will be changed the next time you see the plastic surgeon; this will usually be a day or two after the facelift. At this time, an elastic wrap may be used to replace the dressing. Any drains will also be removed, and antibiotics will be used on your incisions to fight off potential infection.

To learn more about the ins and outs of facelift recovery, speak to Dr. Vaishali Doolabh, a board-certified plastic surgeon serving the Jacksonville region. Make an appointment with Dr. Doolabh by contacting our office.